Addings slots to existing modules

Sometimes you will want an extra accessory or other type of slot. Since it is not recommended to create slots directly within the files that define them, a way to create new slots is described here.

Using the customizing addon

It is recommended to extend Pointshop 2 using a seperate addon. Simply download this addon and extract it into your addons folder: Download. Put your new slot code into pointshop2-customizing/lua/ps2/modules/pointshop2/sh_customslots.lua. As an example code to create a new accessory slot is already included (see below for code explanation).

Adding accessory slots

To add an accessory slot, use the function Pointshop2.AddHatSlot(). This requires the Accessory/Hat module to be fully loaded, which is why the function should be called inside of the hook PS2_ModulesLoaded.


-- Adds a new Accessory slot
hook.Add( "PS2_ModulesLoaded", "AddCustomSlots", function( )
        Pointshop2.AddHatSlot( "Accessory 3" )
end )

Adding weapon slots

To add a weapon slot, use the function Pointshop2.AddWeaponsSlot(). This requires the Permanent Weapons module to be fully loaded, which is why the function should be called inside of the hook PS2_ModulesLoaded.


-- Adds a new Accessory slot
hook.Add( "PS2_ModulesLoaded", "AddKnifeSlot", function( )
        Pointshop2.AddWeaponsSlot( "Knife" )
end )

Adding other slot types

Other slot types usually do not have convenience functions like the Accessory type. It is still possible to add these slots by duplicating the code. The slot code is defined in the file sh_slots.lua which can be found in the module’s main folder.

It is also possible to define entirely custom slot types (for example VIP slots, universal slots, etc.) using Pointshop2.AddEquipmentSlot()